Friday, January 8, 2010


The ancient Chinese had this curse: "May you live in interesting times." Well, we do and sometimes it is a curse. In addition to the obvious worries that plague our times, there are two just now breaking across the horizon...!

* Famine: Perhaps the most frightening of the biblical Four Horsemen, famine may be just years away. Global famine as the planet struggles with a 7 billion-plus population and a lagging agricultural system to feed them all. When people (and nations) grow hungry, they grow restless. Restless, hungry masses seeing others get fat off the land traditionally rise up to take what they need from those who have. Wars of future famine may be the most apocalyptic of all, especially when we're the ones who have

Genetics: Here's what science hoped would be a boon to mankind. Cures for long-undeciphered diseases and longer healthier life spans for all. Right now, some of those hopes are being realized, but not as much or as fast as expected. Instead, the genetic re-sequencing data out there is likely to reveal more about human evolutionary history, regional uniqueness and ethnic differences. It's that last one that's the ticking bomb, for a few generations ago there was a fella named Hitler who almost conquered the world based on his convoluted belief in a superior race. If current genetic studies open that Pandora's Box again, a hungry world can expect a frightening revival of nationalistic retro-racism

Sorry, but it just seemed appropriate that you worriers out there have something really big to worry about....!

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