Tuesday, January 12, 2010


What really counts....? According to the headlines and the Google hits, what seems to count most are the trivial tangibles. You know: Words! Statistics! Records! Which is why everyone's talking about words like "Blacker than Obama," statistics like China is now the world's number one in autos, and Mark McGuire's home run record has been compromised.

OK, but are these tangible tidbits really all that important to us? Dig a little deeper and listen a little closer. Stuff like this disappears with the next gust of gossip at the watercooler. What really counts -- always has -- are the intangibles. You know, like: Character! Courage! Commitment!

These things can't be squeezed into a brassy news headline or a quickie Google report. But they're what count every time a team fights for victory...a company looks to grow....a nation pursues greatness...and you and I reach just a little higher than we did the day before.


  1. It is hard to know what REALLY counts anymore as we are deluged with trivia. Personally, I feel I am on info overload most of the time. I guess each individual has to determine for themselves what is vital!

  2. Couldn't have said it better ...!
