Monday, January 4, 2010


Cecil Bothwell, 59, was recently elected as councilman in the leafy little town of Asheville, in the Caroilina's. You know, the state featuring the congressional "You lie" taunter, and the "I loved her soul" governor. Well now, true to form, the council just fired ol' Cecil, because he calls himself a "post-theist." The gang-that-couldn't-shoot-straight is dumping him based on an 1868 law that disqualifies anyone who "denies the being of Almighty God."

Well, you just know that the zealots on both extremes are fuedin' and fussin' over this. The southern fundamentalist have raised their voices in a mighty Hallelujah. The few atheists in town are writing letters to the New York Times.

Here's what this God-believing seeker believes. God doesn't read Carolina statutes...He/She doesn't care what the Asheville Council thinks....He/She doesn't even care that the atheists don't believe in Him/Her, because He/She still believes in them.

So I'm neither going to rally to the God-fearing Council, nor the God-denying New York Time letter-writers. I just plan to go to bed tonight, pull up the covers on this chaotic world, and figure that if I wake up tomorrow morning, something or someone good was responsible...!


  1. Since you aren't going to change the God fearing people or the atheists, I think your way of ending the day is a good one. I happen to "believe" so I'm with you!

  2. And you know what -- I think there's more of us than people let on.

  3. Thanks for the mention but you have a coupld of facts scrambled.

    First, I have not been removed from Council. The city has been THREATENED with a law suit seeking to enforce a provision of the NC constitution.

    Second, Asheville (as indicated by the above) is in North Carolina, not South Carolina. SC is the state to which you refer. NC is, by most accounts, much more progressive (albeit, still retaining some antiquated laws and home to our share of backward leaners). However, NC's electoral votes put Obama over the top, and he won Buncombe County (of which Asheville is the epicenter) by 17,000 votes, versus 14,000 statewide.

    See what's got the right-wing back-leaners' panties in a wad here:

  4. Cecil -- a fellow atheist (Rob Sherman) has already corrected my facts. As I told him, I regret the errors, but can't help stick by my message. Namely, that God is probably looking down and not siding with either extreme. As for your immediate political future, I wish you well, because your spiritual values or lack thereof aren't likely why you were elected...
