Thursday, January 7, 2010


The game used to be called "Truth or Consequences." Lets make it "Truth AND Consequences:"

The truth is John Kerry was right 9/11 called for a global police & intelligence response instead of sending US armies to stir up the hornet's nest of Islam...the consequence is Obama is stuck with one foot in, while trying to surge our way out with the other

* The truth is the economy collapsed largely due to grossly unregulated Wall Street greed...the consequence is Obama is stuck with 10% unemployment demanding an instant solution to a generational crisis

* The truth is America remains the only industrialized nation with only a slap-dash, money-wasting health system...the consequence is everyone wants it fixed, but Obama better never use the government to fix it

* The truth is polls tell us people are angry watching our slippage and China's rise...the consequence is people are unable to find a smoking-gun cause for this historical shift, so they go after the handiest target their fears can find: The guy in the White House

Interesting game...dumb rules!


  1. Yep, and I think the rules are being written by Fox, Beck and Limbaugh. Are we crazy or what!?

  2. All these people that are targeting Obama, don't seem to realize that if HE fails, we ALL fail. Like you said....dumb rules!

  3. Exactly...Makes you wonder whether we're worth saving
