Thursday, July 5, 2012


In an exclusive Skype interview, the now-famous Higgs Boson took time away from the glass-clinking physicists in Geneva to share his secret:

ADMIRER ~ Why are you smiling?

BOSON     ~  Because everyone is so amazed when actually I've been around all along.

ADMIRER ~  Reminds me of my parents when I finally found the hidden eggs on Easter.

BOSON      ~ They hid them WANTING you to find them. When you did, they were pleased.

ADMIRER ~  For a long time I thought it was the Easter Bunny.

BOSON ~     They let you think so til it was time to realize the eggs were MEANT to be found.

ADMIRER ~  Funny how some kids react after they find there's no Easter Bunny.

BOSON     ~  Deciding if there's no Bunny hiding them, maybe there's no Parent either.

ADMIRER ~  Sorta sad.

BOSON     ~  No, sorta silly. Silly enough for them to calculate I hid myself.

ADMIRER  ~ But these guys are our best-and-brightest.

BOSON      ~ [SMALL COSMIC SIGH]] Oh dear. This hunt is going to take longer than I thought!

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