Thursday, July 23, 2009


The year I was born a remarkable little book was published in Spain called "The Revolt of the Masses." I've lived long enough to watch with some dismay many of its predictions come to pass....!

Most revolutions bring some leader or military force into power. In this revolt, the author Ortega y Gasset was predicting it would be the general masses -- everyday Joe and Jane Doe -- who would come into power. Instead of an elite of the educated and sophisticated filling the places of honor and leadership, now anyone and everyone could work their way into these places as "my right."

Translation: Today in place of an aristocracy of money and merit, almost anyone and everyone can own a car, buy a home, build a swimming pool, attend the opera, take world cruises and maybe even buy a Porsche on time. In other words, democracy carried to its fullest extreme, where the masses are in charge by the sheer weight of their numbers.

In its best form, this means the will of the people in good civic practice. In its worst form, picture another scenario. The brawny masses in Soldiers Field after a Bears game when the voice of authority on the PA is trying to control the crowd after a big win.

Now hold that metaphoric picture, and shift to the real thing. Reality Television...!

Think about it. Today members of the scruffy masses who were once screened by polite society, fine restaurants, prestigious universities and various high offices have become the very ones who television wants! Features! Promotes! Take, (if you can) examples like the Jerry Springer Show...Bridzellas....The Bachelorette...the Real Housewives of New Jersey....So You Think You Can Dance....Hitched & Ditched... Great American Road Trip...Wipeout...Big Brother.

Need I go on?

Lets get this straight. Jefferson, Adams and the guys were all elitists. They had education, sophistication, training and wealth. When they spoke of the "pursuit of happiness" they were talking a noble theory which shines to this very day. But the bizarre reality has become -- well, it's become Reality Television. If the Founding Fathers had these preposterous casts of characters in mind as our nightly role models, I'll eat my copy of the Constitution!

Naturally, you won't hear this from any politician wooing the votes of the masses. It sounds downright un-American. But as one stunned member of these very masses, you did hear it from me.


  1. I ought to read this it still in print?

  2. I for one have had it with reality tv. I think it, for lack of a better word, SUCKS!!!! Whenever a GOOD show with some quality and good writing comes on the air, it is cancelled in less than a season to make room for more of this reality crap. With the exception of a few shows on Fox, FX and TNT, tv has gone down the tubes. Bet it makes radio show lovers long for The Shadow and Little Orphan Annie even more!

  3. True, true. You haven't lived until you've lived in the incredible world of radio imagaination. Movies and TV can bring you strange effects -- worse yet strange people -- but the effects and people you could imagine on The Shadow and Orphan Annie were larger than any screen can ever hold or portray. Yeah, even tho it lasted only a little while, it was something!!
