Friday, June 19, 2009


This rabid rivalry between the high-paid professionals wearing Cubs and Sox uniforms is largely manufactured. Our beloved boys of summer get paid the same no matter who they play. But Neil Steinberg's June 20 column hit a big, non-steroid homer when he talked about the real rivalry. You know, between the rich and the not-so rich up in the stands.

His headline nailed it: "Rich have nothing to gripe about."

With all the angry blather about Obama soaking-the-rich-to-pay-the-shiftless, a few facts are in order. (1) Nobody's taxes have actually been raised (2) When they are, it will be on those who have considerably more wealth which can be fairly asked to share considerably more of the national burden (3) the so-called shiftless beneficiaries of Obama's dreaded Socialism aren't the down-and-out free-loaders the critics are yelling about. In case they haven't noticed, the shiftless beneficiaries have so far been the wealthy hotshots on Wall Street where their greed almost killed the Capitalism the critics are so worried about

Neil, I don't even know if you can swing a bat, but your common sense here should place you in the cleanup spot for either team in town. Frankly, they could us one!

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