Wednesday, October 28, 2009


With all the great debates raging in our country, this is a pretty small one. And yet it's been given some pretty big attention (Sun Times Oct 27 & 28). Apparently it's over the "great trauma" the last generations suffered because they had to swim naked in gym classes...!

Frankly, isn't this an example of past nudity vs present narcissism? Today's generation seems to have this self-indulgent habit of deciding in retrospect what was and wasn't traumatic. Which, really, is presuming to judge what was by what is. In the real world, each generation has its own standards that fit its own times. Nude swimming classes were really no more traumatic for most kids back then, than body-piercing parties are today. Just depends on which generation you're living in!

Before getting so hung up on judging what is or is not traumatic, lets remember. Today's generation might find Marilyn Monroe "fat," but her generation thought she was just fine. Today's generation has fun at the expense of the "mean" Catholic nuns, whereas most kids in their generation found them devoted and loving. Today's generation often damns President Truman for dropping the atomic bomb on civilians, but before passing sentence they'd have to be one of the scared GI's back then facing a million-man casualty attack on Japan.

Having opinions...? Fine! Pronouncing judgments...? Better think twice. Or to put that another way, better be in Cutler's helmet on Sunday before you judge his game on Monday...


  1. Call me a prude, but I thank God I didn't have to swim naked! I don't think this is appropriate in any situation...then or now. There are SO many reasons, but mainly I think it's a privacy issue. And what about those unfortuante kids who don't meet society's crazy idea that you must weigh 90 pounds to be accepted. Kids can be cruel, and I don't think being naked is going to help ANYONE'S self-esteem!

  2. No argument with those feelings...but my point is that TODAY'S feelings may not be the best way to judge YESTERDAY'S events. Frankly, most kids back then took this more as a matter of fact vs the "great trauma" people are judging today

  3. I'd say the issue of nudity all depends on the quality of your body parts. Since not many are that proud of the, nudity is a tough way to swim

  4. Of course you are correct to say each generation draws its own lines of acceptance and rejection. But not all generational suppositions are harmless. I was myself traumatized by the group nakedness swimming phase in high school. When Jimmy Prius pointed at my parts, laughed and loudly said "It's supposed to stick out" - you can bet I wasn't pleased. But LOL anyway...
