Friday, July 3, 2009


Singer Pearl Bailey had this sassy smart saying: "There's a way to handle the regrets of your past. Don't hide from them. Just so long as you don't repeat them, your past will never catch up with you....!"

A no-nonsense, shoot-from-the-hip hunk of advice for that next school reunion. Right, the one you've been dreading. Hey, we all do in a way. I mean, how many can come back to their Park Ridge high school here and be Hillary Clinton? How many can return and be Harrison Ford? Yep, two Park Ridgeans who made it pretty big. Just like you're thinking all those other slick class presidents and hot cheerleaders have done too.

But here's a little secret from someone who has, to date, clocked 11of these bitter-sweet soirees. Just remember, you're looking at their outside from your inside. Think about that as you're reluctantly getting ready for the big night. What you're seeing is what they want you to see...what you're feeling is what you're allowing yourself to feel.

Maybe you're feeling some of the old hurts, embarrassments, defeats, rejections, whatever. But here's the secret -- those feelings are like old Marley's chains in A Christmas Carol. Dump 'em now! If you're going to play an old movie in your head tonight, try It's A Wonderful Night instead. Remember, that's the one where George Bailey learns this remarkable secret. The world wouldn't quite be what it is today were it not for you being in it! Yes, small little you and all those little things you've said and done along the way that you never even realized!

OK, that's some class-reunion advice from someone in town who's got this thing down pat. Just don't take as long to learn the secret as I did ...


  1. I think you just helped me decide. I'm going to the next one armed with the knowledge that no one there is any more "successful" than I am. Really! Someone once said, "There is only one success -- to be able to spend your life in your own way." Yeah!

  2. I wish I had your courage Anonymous! :-)

    As far as your blog Mr. S, it makes perfect sense with my brain, but not my heart. I won't be going to mine this time around...maybe next time!

  3. Well I have to be honest...I haven't gone to all of mine either....but when the person is ready, it usually turns out to be a lot easier than expected...and sometimes even a pleasant surprise or's hoping!!
