Friday, July 3, 2009


The July 3 front pages are a powerful statement about the current drift of our world. They featured the role of the old-time bike in contrast to the new-age Batmobile. A nifty metaphor for the value of experienced humans in contrast to exotic technology...!

A couple of Chicago paramedics on bikes helped save the life of a woman who collapsed at the Taste of Chicago. True, they were packing some technology with them, but what saved her was compassionate human intervention more than any hardware. Which is something people need to remember when we're being told -- and seem to believe -- "there's a machine for that!"

Keep the machines, god bless them, but lets not stop being human in favor of being bionic. Lets remember it's still humans who save lives, prevent accidents, teach knowledge, achieve victories and change the world. Not hardware.

Every time the lights go out, or O'Hare gets shut down, or markets jam, or the Internet goes black, it's always a person not a tool that's needed to get our world moving again. So hats off to all the guys on bikes, more than the ones on Batmobiles!


  1. I do believe the "human element" is vital in our society. (and unfortunately it has been missing for a while now) But I also believe you do need both the "human touch" combined with technology to help in cases like you have mentioned...especially medical ones. I wish we could heal with just compassion and caring, but that's not realistic.

    I guess it's another one of those situations where we have to find the right mix...a cocktail of make the perfect concoction. The question is how man parts human touch vs technology?

  2. Well posed question....! What parts of which, indeed.....!I'll always start with the best humans then the best technology, in that order....! But the right "cocktail? there's the heart of the matter...! When you get it, would you share it with the rest of us??
