Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Every December I drive through my community and have this debate with myself: Should these lights stay up all year long or respectfully retire by mid-January? I always win the debate, because I always vote Yes to both....!

My rationale for keeping them up is self-evident. They provide a glow of warmth and friendship rarely seen throughout the rest of the year. Like they say, "We need a little Christmas right now!" and this way we have it all 12 months. You got a problem with that...!

On the other side of my debate, I'm sensitive to the fact that too much of even a good thing dilutes it. Lights, sunshine, blue skies, balmy temperatures -- they're all wonderful until after awhile they're all that is. Our peculiar nature can't seem to enjoy the good times all the time. Don't ask...!

Despite my private debate, the world out there will move inexorably into its scheduled January darkness and drabness. The lights will come down...the trees will be unceremoniously tossed...the black bleak privacy of each home will envelope them once again...and we will each be just a sliver smaller for it.

However, the rhythm of our lives is virtually pre-ordained. By nature? by habit? by choice? by God? I'm not sure. But I'm not fighting it. Buddha got it right a few centuries ago when he sighed: "Happiness is not getting what you want, by wanting what you get." I'm not fighting that either.


  1. I think you nailed it when you said:

    "I'm sensitive to the fact that too much of even a good thing dilutes it."

    If lights were up all year round, I don't think we would see the Christmas magic in December.

  2. Didi -- I imagine it's a "law" of some sort that our human nature is simply too defective to handle anything for very long. So, OK, lights down, but the memories linger on!
