Monday, November 2, 2009


It may not seem so, but today's comedians and atheists have much in common. They're both so damn angry....!

Take comedians. At one time they may have been blue, but not angry. Bob Hope, George Burns, Shelly Berman and Bob Newhart were busy laughing at the human condition. Flash forward to George Carlin, Lewis Black and Chris Rock. They're angry right through their entire act. Actually, anger is their act.

Notice, though, the audience is angry right along with them. In some clubs, the patrons leave the place tanked with booze and ready for an argument with anyone they can find. Cop, politician, religious zealot, Wall Street banker, often The Man. They've just paid for the weapon of public rage with the currency of private frustrations.

This rage now seeps out into the most surprising places. Into their jobs, in their votes, at football stadiums, on the Internet, with dinner, even in bed. Angry people don't make especially happy citizens. The Germans were angry in the 1930s, the Russians in the 1940s, the North Koreans in the 1950s, and now the Iranians. Get the picture....?

Atheists too have grown terribly angry. At one time they just wanted to be left alone. These days, that's no longer good enough. Atheists have grown so angry with the rest of us, they're always demanding we do something about it. Kill the Christmas tree, banish the creche, stop public praying, and prevent public crosses. These days their defense is offense. They no longer want to avoid the prom, they want to call the dance!

Of course it's true, one person's anger is another person's cause. Now if there were just a few more un-angry causes. Oh but wait -- those are precisely what the comedians and the atheists are so angry about!


  1. Actually there's a great deal of anger everywhere. And yet we have so much...

  2. When angry comedians influence their audiences to share their moods (routines), mass hypnotism plays a big part since the audience is so receptive. Some people thrive on unhappiness! As to the Atheists, question: Can an atheist get insurance against acts of God?

  3. I think you say it all in one sentence:

    "Now if there were just a few more un-angry causes."

    I wonder that every day!

  4. Atheism and anger (be it overt / covert) tend to go hand in hand. As for (what passes for) comedy these days isn't funny. Okay, so what if "Karen" is a bit of an odd-ball... yeesh, where's the tolerance these comedians turn around and preach about? Oh that's right, "Karen" isn't into vile crap - guess that's why the group doesn't text her much, and leaves her outside the club. Yeah, real freaking funny!
