Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Second City is dated. No, not the team, the title...!

They're celebrating their 50th anniversary next month with a gala of famous alums like Stephen Colbert and George Wendt). But isn't it time they reconsider their title. Everyone knows it was a clever taunt of New York which has always considered itself the first city. And yet, over these 50 years, both the team and the city here have passed New York up in so many ways. Arguably, Chicago is first in the number of stars on television and on Broadway...the number of city parks and lakefront splendors...the number of innovative outdoor architecture ....the height of our skyscrapers...and the bravado of our political corruption.

Oh, and we're also the home of the nation's first great city fire...the first 100-year-old baseball curse...the first family....and the first Second City.

Chicago has always been the place where ambition turns good todays into even better tomorrows. Like you've done at Second City. So, congratulations, and here's an idea for a new name. Instead of Second City how about First Tomorrow...?


  1. I love your idea about First Tomorrow.

    But I had always heard we were called the Second City because of the Chicago Fire....since we rebuilt, it was the "second chicago". So I thought it was a compliment to our strength to rebuild after a tragedy.

    But I still like your name better! I hope someone in the "powers that be" reads this and takes your hint!

  2. Hey, maybe we can send the suggestion into Jim Belushi. He'll be there too
