Friday, November 26, 2010


Nostalgia ain't what it used to be...

At one time it was lacy grandmas playing their music boxes for you as they waxed sentimental about the proverbial good-old-days. With our cooler generations, nostalgia like that went out with the last episodes of "I Love Lucy" and "Bonanza." Instead, nostalgia has often been dismissed as the opiate of the people; and the good old days shelved as simply old, hardly good.

And yet.

There's this time-tested adage: The more things change, the more they're the same. Lets face it, there are only so many fruits in the orchard, fish in the sea, and dress styles from Paris runways. What humanity counts on is that if we all wait long enough, old styles and habits look new again. And again. And, in another generation or two, again.

Take the latest new thing that's become a rage in many large cities. Are you ready for this...? The neighborhood barbershop. Today's hunks and studs have "discovered" the charm and intimacy of local shops with local barbers in contrast to those sleek, downtown salons of all-look-alike hair cutters.

The mind staggers [and, if old enough, the face smiles] at such astonishing news. Why who knows, anytime soon now today's cool generation will "discover" other remarkable ideas. Say like virginity at marriage... children born in wedlock...stay-at-home dinners...boiled food....oh, and reruns of "I Love Lucy" and "Bonanza."

Geniuses often are heard to say: "I got here by standing on the shoulders of giants before me." Now here's a quirky little thought. This might also be said by some of today's generations. The reason I say that, is this is precisely what our cool generation once said too.

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