Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I regret to report three new victims of the Catholic Church pedophile scandal. I found them on a North Michigan Avenue elevator between the 5th and 6th floor...!

A middle-aged priest got on. Instinctively the mother of a young boy tugged her son closer as she whispered, "Stay away from men like that!"

Adding to the inexcusable tragedy of this Church scandal, what we passengers were witnessing was the further tragedy of three new victims: A panicked parent, a confused child, and one of the vast majority of scandal-free clergy whose image and service have suffered for the crimes of a few.

Justice must now be served, swiftly and surely. But as it is, multiply these three additional victims by a factor of, say a thousand, and you have an idea of what some terribly errant men have done to an entire church. And an entire city. The hope is the guilty few do not go on to stain the work of the guiltless many. Because if it does -- like on that elevator -- what is already a tragedy for some becomes a paralyzing disaster for all.


  1. Yes there is this horrible aftermath that comes from "Guilt by Association" ... and words spoken in thoughtless/fearful haste can truely alter the perceptions of a child and do lasting damage ... that is the reality of such events.

  2. Yes, and a terribly far-reaching "reality." Bad stuff just keeps spreading....
