Saturday, September 12, 2009



How do you define paranoia? Generally it means irrational suspicions. But while we can easily describe a suspicion, it gets harder to describe what's irrational. I mean think about it -- they once called Jesus, Mohamed,
Michelangelo, Darwin and my Uncle Terry irrational. Well, Uncle Terry was, but that's off-point...!

Sometimes being paranoid can be useful. For instance, when my pc screen abruptly stops to instruct me it is -- entirely on its own accord -- about to re-program itself, my suspicions about Big Brother are wisely re-awakened. I am now better prepared to turn off my President, boycott my post office, send back my Social Security check and rush a donation to the Joe Wilson re-election fund. I say, thank god for a little timely paranoia, because it bolsters my all-American right to life, liberty and the pursuit of dangerous government cabals.

Some high-energy paranoia also comes in handy whenever any local elected officials start to do me and my bank account harm. Take crazy Richard Daley trying to bring the Olympics to Chicago, or squinty-eyed Cardinal George trying to call Catholics back to the faith, or Oprah trying to do anything. Once your paranoiac juices are flowing, you're better ready to resist these irrational conspiracies. You're reminded once again that in America, freedom means being free to suspect everything and everyone.

I learned a lot from Uncle Terry. He always said that if you ever go to a doctor, you'll get sick. If you ever go to a hospital, you'll die. And if you ever let anyone stick a needle in you, it sucks all the testosterone out of your system and you'll never be a parent. They laughed at the old guy -- but you can see for yourself how right his paranoia was. He made damn sure he never saw a doctor, a hospital or a needle. He died at age 37 leaving a wife and six kids!

According to my Aunt, Uncle Terry died proud of his paranoia, because it always made him feel like a real American....


For the first time in a century, Florida is losing population. Its real estate boom started in the 1920's and stopped only this last recessionary year. Almost 60,000 Floridians left. The question is where did they go....?

One has to hope not to New York City where the great metropolis still houses some one-of-a-kind American silliness. Consider New Yorker Ruth Zafrin who is suing her daughter-in-law comedian for telling mother-in-law jokes. In her court filing, Zafrin explained: "Sunda's stand-up routine is malicious, intentional, and based on her hatred towards me." We have no details on the judge's reaction, but one wonders if his own mother-in-law will come to mind when he reaches his decision. Knowing what I do about mothers-in-law, I'd dismiss the case, and buy a ticket to the show!

In another only-in-New-York moment, the city police arrested a model who was posing naked for a photographer. Where...? In the city's famed Metropolitan Museum of Art which features artworks of nude women on virtually ever floor. The arrest has to give "silly" an entirely new meaning!

Meanwhile, back in Florida, we will watch if this new migration heads for Chicago. After all, we can be as silly as New York anytime...


  1. Unfortunately, I think some level of paranoia has become the "American Way". It seems it can't be avoided...especially after 9/11. I think being cautious is probably a better way to go, but I must admit, I have become one of those paranoid Americans. I guess it's just important to try and keep that paranoia in check.

  2. Jack,

    As to Florida exodus, 1st question is not where did they go but rather who is it that left? Most likely people who cannot afford to live here, either due to high unemployment or diminished pensions. Now, where did they go? I suspect neither New York nor Chicago, too far and too high a standard. More like Georgia, Carolina and the like. Fairly silly areas also.

  3. Ahhh, I knew you migrated to Florida because you had more money to spend than you could in old Chicago...! Seriously, tho, this is about the time of year when Chicagoans begin envying Floridians
