Saturday, September 5, 2009



Soon it will be sweater weather again. You know all about sweaters, don't you? People like Mr Rogers, Bill Cosby and Jimmy Carter helped make them national habits....

They're what little boys and girls have to wear whenever their mothers get chilly. They're the ideal accompaniment to fall, because both come in a rainbow of colors. Another nice thing about sweaters, they're now conveniently acceptable in some formal settings like restaurants and downtown events.

It's my happy contention that our approaching sweater weather may just be the very nicest season of them all. The rhythms of life start picking up after the humidity of summer. The climate is crisp, the hues are dazzling, the freeze of winter still a way off, and the happy hint of the holidays just past the next button.

Sweaters have an endearing casualness and a charm to them, because rather than you having to fit into them, they fit around you. They permit you to make a statement about yourself with far less effort than suits and dresses, because you wear them, they don't wear you.

One wonders if the great couturiers ever think about hosting a fashion show just for sweaters. Now that I think of it, they probably have, only I'm guessing the fru-fru sweaters they featured were hardly the earthy, everyday stuff I'm thinking of.

Sweaters are not exactly a political matter, still I believe that all sweaters are created equal -- cardigans, slip-overs and turtlenecks alike. What's more, I hold these truths to be self-evident -- you and i have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of those clothes that make us feel good. Not fancy, just good.

Can you imagine a formal state dinner at the White House with sweaters instead of gowns and tuxedos? Not likely. Or a conclave of Cardinals in Rome? Not in this lifetime. And yet one wonders if such clothing might help the participants feel free and relaxed enough to get past the celebratory pomp and down to the everyday issues.

Consider this little unauthorized thought as a hopeful epigraph to this year's oncoming sweater-weather....


The critical news of the nation and the world on Friday September 4 filled scores of newspapers each with dozens of reporting-pages. Here are the 5 "most viewed stories" on Chicago's newspaper websites that day:

* Unhappy with Oprah's street party
* Injury taints Bears' victory
* Impeached Governor's brother talks
* QB Jay Cutler seen as a 'loser'
* Meaningless Bears game reveals flaws

What more is there to say....?


  1. I LOVE your sweater piece! It makes me want to wrap myself up in one right now. Fall has always been my favorite season, and you paint the picture so vividly. I know we haven't had too miserable of a summer, but I look forward to sweater weather again!

  2. Yeah -- sweaters are special. And some people look special in them. Ready or not, the season gets closer!
