Sunday, May 17, 2009


The American bedroom is way behind the times.....!

Thousands of years ago the Greeks portrayed how their women could stay the hand of war by staying their conjugal pleasures from their husbands (see Trojan Women for all the gory theatrical details), Fair maidens in medieval times often tried the same thing. And as recently as last month a Kenyan husband sued the organizers of a national sex boycott in his politically stalemated nation (he charged this caused him "mental anguish, stress, backaches, and a lack of concentration").

One can only fantasize how his lawyer introduced evidence and used witnesses.

But just think of the possibilities. American wives -- shoulder to shoulder and genitalia to genitalia -- denying their testosterone-driven husbands their bed until they grow up and stop spending all their time at war. And not just the big bring- 'em-on kind, but all their warrior compulsions to bellow in government, scream on cable, defame on blogs, butt heads on the gridiron, and battle one another on every expressway.

The mind swirls. A world without battles...streets without bloodshed...courtrooms without games without concussions....movies without fireballs...colleges without food fights. Well, the mind mustn't swirl quite that much. But still the idea surely invites some delicious dreams of peace on earth and good will to man. One is surprised the women's movement has not officially taken this up. Or the churches and temples and mosques.

I don't know the Kenyan husband in question or what he's doing with his nights lately. But I do suspect his judicial actions tell us his wife made her point. And a rather good point at that
Whether I've just blown my chances for membership in the local country club remains to be seen. But I have a lawyer too....!

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