Saturday, January 8, 2011


We all get the same 60 seconds to each minute. We don't, however, all get the same number of minutes. There are even those who posit we are born with a specific allotment of minutes, no more not less. Maybe so. And maybe knowing this would change the way we live our lives. Yet -- just like the way we keep putting our fingers in fires even after being burned -- it's more than likely we'd still live our little lives pretty much in the same little ways.


Probably because our Will -- the snorting bronco in us all -- tends to fight our Intellect -- the strict-fitting saddle in us all. Some theologians argue the disconnect between the two is really very much what "The Fall" in Eden was all about. All about the perfectly created human now and forever cursed with a bronco that continues to rage against the saddle.

But back to those 60 seconds of time. Ever since Eden, time has ticked our species through one grand and grimy episode after another. It is in the nature of humanity -- and each of us within this tribe -- to waste probably even more time than we use. Precisely why there are so many tearful eureka moments in old age. One of the classics is the German lament: "Too old too soon, too smart too late!"

Why even that mind-of-minds, Albert Einstein, felt somewhat the same in his final years. He once put it this way: "I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious now in the years of maturity."

Lets be clear...! The young and the old are walking the very same bridge of life. So generational gaps may be over-estimated. However, the old are at one end of it, whereas the young are only first stepping onto it. Hard for either to see the bridge in the exact same way. And yet, the aging Einstein and probably the aging Adam surely slipped into their graves wishing they could have somehow spared the young at the other end of the bridge. Having already lived that half, there were some ropes of advice they could have thrown them.

Tick, tick, tick. Too late, too late, too late. Oh but wait....! If not sturdy ropes, maybe a few stout shouts. Hellooo, can anyone hear me....?


  1. I think I'm already running out of time....

  2. I am sure that I do that by my 50s. Wish I could hgave some of those ticks back!!!
