Saturday, January 1, 2011

20011, IT CAN'T BE! OH, BUT IT IS!

A new year. A new series of trials and triumphs. Among them, new lessons to be learned.

Well, frankly, none of them are all that new. Same old lessons, because lets admit it we've been trying these very same lessons on for size for years. Will we ever ever get the fit right! For example:

* Every December ends with the same unanswered questions ~ Where did the time go? Where did the money go? Where did the true meaning of Christmas go? Am I not ever going to get this thing right? Hmm...why do all these questions sound exactly like last year's!

* Every January begins with the same unexamined expectations ~ This time I'm going to work smarter not harder. I'm going to take time to smell the roses. I'm going to remember to let the people I love know I love them. Hmm ...why do all these resolutions sound so darn familiar!

* Every spring arrives with a fresh fragrance in the air, a new bounce to our step, a renewed passion for life ~ It's time to clean out the garage. It's time to plant that garden. It's time to organize those old photo albums. Hmm... come to think of it, I made these very same plans last spring. Certainly are fine plans!

* Every summer looms with dreams of beach-side delights ~ But beaches mean bathing suits, and I never look good in a bathing suit. On the other hand, the older I get, the less I care about how I look in a bathing suit. Is that progress or just indifference? Hmm... I suspect it's progress, because after a few hundred beaches you find out everybody else is too busy worrying about how they look!

* Every fall means the same things ~ Harvests. School. Halloween. Thanksgiving. Wait a minute -- I'm right back to December again, and nothing about me has changed. Hmm...I guess it's true, we're all born originals, but we all die copies!

Only the first day of the new year, and here's some grumpy skeptic dismissing it and all its promises, right...? Wrong...! The only thing that might be wrong here is the way we choose to live this perfectly un-lived new year.


  1. Jack, if we did not place so much value on the calendar and time might there be less stress on us as individuals? The retailers would panic at such a thought but think about it. No holidays, no need to think of what year we are in, no family gatherings, no term limits, etc. We could be like robots but fewer new year resolutions to think about.

  2. its too gud i like your blog yaar
