Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We live in an age of relativistic morality and situational ethics. In the salons and on the campuses they often call this Existentialism. In everyday living it actually means: Doing your own thing because in the final measure, you're the only thing that really counts....!

Ask authority figures like cops and coaches, teachers and clergy, even swanky boutonniered floor-walkers. They'll tell you with a sigh: "The world out here has changed into an everyone-for-themself age." But I'm here to comfort your flagging confidence in society. Yes, Virginia, there really are certain absolutes we can all count on. Let me count the ways...

Once a politician counts on his office to make a living, count on corruption...once you reach a train crossing when you're in a rush, count on a slow freight just arriving...when you buy a medicine, count on the side effects being three times more than the cures...when you bet on your favorite team in the big game, count on them blowing it in the 9th...when reading the sports page, count on every we-play'em-one-at-a-time quote being like the last 20, only with different names....every time your account is surprisingly $500 over, count on a surprise tax bill about $600....every time you pick a line on a crowded expressway, count on it being the one with the gaper's block...every time you make the mistake of checking out a new reality show, count on reality being more phony and more fatal than you expected....every time you finally learn all the answers, the world change all the questions.

So no, ye of faint heart, do not fear a world without the stability of any absolutes. You can absolutely count on them whenever you least want them!

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