Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Science is always talking about "other worlds." What they may be like, who may exist in them, and how we may relate to them. Actually, we've already discovered them...!

They are the peculiar worlds of cable television and worldwidewebsites. Peculiar places where whole different agendas exist, and entirely unique languages are spoken. But unlike the real world which sleeps every 16 hours, these other worlds are relentless 24/7. They never sleep. They never stop.They are virtually irresistible.

However, once you enter cableland or wwwland you may not recognize life as you've known it. These sites thunder with screeching talking-heads and headlines, evil news, arrogantly confident predictions of our impending doom, all accompanied with the names of exactly who the monstrous villains are!

So all you scientists can close your telescopes, we've already found what you were looking for. We're just not sure we like what we found...!


  1. Your last line is spot on. It's quite frightening to think of all the doors we have opened....which are for good and which are not?

  2. I myself play in these two "lands," but brother they really are pretty strange at times. What has modern man wrought...???
