Thursday, January 14, 2010


God doesn't need a defense attorney, but maybe a little defending in disasters like Haiti. Why? Because we now hear the roar from the right saying this was God's vengeance; and the roar from the left saying can't blame him, he doesn't even exist!

Let me volunteer my Mother's services here. Mom lived only a few miles from the infamous 1906 San Francisco earthquake. I remember her clear-cut, non-geological explanation:

* Parents don't send their children to play where disaster strikes. Neither does God. He permit, but never plans...

* No matter how nature-made a disaster, there's always a man-made factor. With earthquakes, the construction of buildings; with tsunamis, the location of settlements. It's the old free-will theology come to life...

* After such disasters, shaking fists are never as good as helping hands...

Right now, the heroic aid workers down there are doing God's work. And if you don't believe in God, OK blame evolution!


  1. As a Christian, I must admit your title threw me a I thought God doesn't need human defenders. But you make a very valid point. And my favorite line is "shaking fists are never good as helping hands".

  2. Seems like everyone decides how they'll use God for their own message. Might be a better idea to listen to HIS message.
