Wednesday, June 13, 2012


By now even the alpha males realize the nerds have been crowding their act with the female of the species. In terms of both sex and success. For every LeBron James or Donald Trump there are dozens of nerdy successes like Gates, Zuckerberg, Jobs, and Spielberg. When did the tide turn?

Actually about 4 million years ago, fellas.

According to a team of biomathematicians from the University of Tennessee: "The most important sexual revolution happened when the alphas overplayed their testosterone with the females." While the toughs conquered and kept their women by power, the weaker males conquered them by cunning.

Sound familiar?

Similar to the monkey populations, some hominids learned to shower a particular female with food and attentions. In time these females rewarded  their providers with both their bodies and their fidelity. Head researcher Sergey Gavrilets writes in this month's Los Angeles Times: "Without the romantic strategy devised by the more sensitive pre-historlc males, we wouldn't have the modern family."

To be sure, today's females still find hunks attractive. But their habit of marrying the less-hunky-more- sensitive suitors has little to do with being recently "emancipated." In evolutionary terms, the female of the species was emancipated long long ago. Some of them just never told us.

But then what about all those glitz paparazzi stories about  Drop-Dead-Gorgeous-Female-Celebrity gliding down the wedding aisle [in white, no less!] with Breathlessly-Beautiful-Stud-Male-Celebrity? Lets put is this way. In evolutionary terms, don't hold your breath waiting for any silver anniversary stories.

Maybe it's true what they say: "Ugliness is in a way superior to beauty because it lasts." Who says that? Those hominids who have learned to understand the difference.

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