Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Time Magazine this week features an article:"Shhh! Genius At Work." It walks us through some of the amazing mysteries to sleep. Both religion and science have been intrigued with these mysteries ever since the Bible described Adam falling asleep in the Garden, later the Greeks saw in dreams messages from the gods, later still Shakespeare had Hamlet learn secrets from the ghost of his father.

Science considers mysteries such as these as problems to be solved. Religion and playwrights tend to engage the mysteries they meet on their own terms. You and I have a choice each morning waking up to the question: What was that crazy dream all about...?

Psychiatry has helped explain how dreams are REM moments in which faces and plots from our waking world collide into our sleeping world. Putting aside the mounds of jaw-dropping theories, one part of our dreaming seems simple and clear. The cast of characters we encounter in our waking world somehow cross the stage of our sleeping world. Usually in disguise.

They are disguised in different appearances...situations...relationships...purposes...and connections with us as we move, triumphantly or terrifyingly, through our dream's plot line. And while all this has become more understood when it comes to the important people in our lives, what is less understood are the occasional entrances of  various bit or canceled players.

They appear in the action without much reason or rhyme. Your third grade teacher...your mail carrier ...that cashier at the supermarket...a long-dead cousin...a boss you once had and hated...a young girl you once dated and loved...your children, but now all younger...your dead parents...oh and Mickey Mantle and President Obama. What's going on here?

Unqualified to answer that question, may I simply leave this thought. You and I are also "bit and canceled players" in the dreams of friends and strangers alike. So know this. Tonight, you and I are likely to appear for a mysterious moment in someone's dreams. A someone we haven't seen for years or who we can't even remember meeting.

Ready for your entrance...? Cue that dream! And remember in some mysterious way, we and the other 7 billion of us are all part of the same dream.

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