Sunday, April 17, 2011


Lets put it this way. The human race has been asleep at the controls of more than airports. We've been asleep and unprepared at times that should have jolted us into action. Fire...writing...agriculture ...the Ice Age. Later on that crazy Italian Marco Polo and all his talk about silk. Then that other Italian Columbus trying to sell Europe on his crazy trip. Instead of acting, at first we just laughed. Why I even laughed when my kids told me this hip-swiveling guitar-player was going to change my Bing Crosby music forever.

In each case, people finally did respond; but so often so late and so reluctantly. And do you know what...? It's happening again. Right now. Right in our own homes every single night while you and I sleep!

Let me explain. Most of us have been hearing about ETs landing ready to conquer Earth, or AI computers ready to conquer minds. Now you see, this keeps us fixated on the big stuff, lulling us to sleep about the small stuff. Like what all our small smug computer chips are whispering among themselves in our kitchens and living rooms.

Now wait...! Before you start laughing like my wife and kids, I've heard these conspiring conversations for myself. No, I can't produce any recordings, because, well, because these damn little chips speak to one another at audio levels that don't record. All part of their planning to keep us un-prepared until they're ready. But if you stay up late enough at night, I ask you to listen very very carefully to your cellphones! your computer keypads! even your automatic garage door opener!

Like all conspiracies they plan to take control in small undetectable steps. Take your cellphone. That damn thing has so many apps with so many complicated directions that before you know it, you find yourself doing what the apps tell you to do. Suddenly you're listening and watching things you never even heard of, nor wanted to. But there they are, because those little chips decided for you. In the meantime, you've completely lost your way trying to make that phone call you began with.

Look, I haven't much time here, because I think my fax machine has been eying me. But let me give you just one more example of how these repulsive little chips are inexorably taking control. Ever notice when you're in the middle of writing an e-mail, suddenly the computer stops. Shuts down. Commands you to wait because "the system is re-configuring." What do you do? Well of course, you sit there and obey!

Think about it, my fool-hearty fellow-human. It's your chips seizing control of this moment in your life. A trial run for when they complete their plans to seize control not just of your moments, but of your day! And eventually your life!
But I can't say anymore, because my keypad is, O my God, my keypad is................

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